Electrical Technology

Electrical Technology

Some states have licensure reciprocity agreements with Minnesota, therefore if a student becomes licensed in Minnesota, they can become licensed in those states as well (see the NCCER Licensing Map). Additional requirements may exist and include fees, applications or other state specific exams. For those programs where no determination has been made, additional research will need to be completed to make a determination. 访问 Electrical Licensing Boards to search for requirements by state.

状态状态 Licensing Board or Department状态 Licensing Requirements笔记
阿拉巴马州 Not determined 
阿拉斯加阿拉斯加 Dept of Business & Professional Licensing满足Licensure reciprocity agreements with Minnesota.
American Samoa Not determined 
亚利桑那州 Not determined 
Arkansas满足Licensure reciprocity agreements with Minnesota.
California Not determined 
ColoradoColorado 状态 Electrical Board满足Licensure reciprocity agreements with Minnesota.
Connecticut Not determined 
Delaware Not determined 
District of Columbia Not determined 
佛罗里达 Not determined 
乔治亚州 Not determined 
关岛 Not determined 
夏威夷 Not determined 
爱达荷州 Not determined 
Illinois Not determined 
印第安纳州 Not determined 
爱荷华州Electrical Examining Board满足Licensure reciprocity agreements with Minnesota.
堪萨斯 Not determined 
Kentucky Not determined 
Louisiana Not determined 
缅因州 Not determined 
Maryland Not determined 
Massachusetts Not determined 
Michigan Not determined 
MinnesotaMinnesota Dept. of Labor and Industry满足 
Mississippi Not determined 
Missouri Not determined 
蒙大拿蒙大拿 Department of Labor & Industry满足Licensure reciprocity agreements with Minnesota.
NebraskaNebraska 状态 Electrical Division满足Licensure reciprocity agreements with Minnesota.
内华达 Not determined 
New Hampshire Not determined 
New Jersey Not determined 
New Mexico Not determined 
New York Not determined 
North Carolina Not determined 
North DakotaNorth Dakota 状态 Electrical Board满足North Dakota is part of a Multi-状态 Reciprocal Licensing Group. The reciprocal licensing agreement applies to master/journey license in Minnesota.
Northern Mariana Islands Not determined 
俄亥俄州 Not determined 
Oklahoma Not determined 
俄勒冈州 Not determined 
Pennsylvania Not determined 
Puerto Rico Not determined 
Rhode Island Not determined 
South Carolina Not determined 
South DakotaSouth Dakota 状态 Electrical Commission满足Licensure reciprocity agreements with Minnesota.
Tennessee Not determined 
德州 Not determined 
US Virgin Islands Not determined 
犹他州 Not determined 
佛蒙特州 Not determined 
Virginia Not determined 
Washington Not determined 
West Virginia Not determined 
Wisconsin Not determined 
怀俄明怀俄明 Department of Fire Prevention & Electrical满足Licensure reciprocity agreements with Minnesota.

Disclaimer: The college makes every effort to ensure the information above is current, but please be advised that state laws, regulations and policies may change at any time. It is the responsibility of the student completing the licensure program to check with the licensing board(s) in their state of residence or in the state in which they intend to obtain a license for the most recent information and requirements. M 状态 shall not be held liable if a student is unable to qualify for licensure or certification in any jurisdiction or cannot obtain a practicum/internship location.