
ADA Grievance Procedures

The State of Minnesota has established grievance procedures that provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging any action that is prohibited by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This grievance procedure is to be used by persons with disabilities who are eligible for services, 好处, programs or activities of 明尼苏达州 Community and Technical College.

Title II states in part, that no otherwise qualified disabled person shall, solely by reason of such disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the 好处 of or be subjected to discrimination in programs or activities sponsored by a campus.

投诉 should be sent to the respective campus representative:


费格斯 瀑布

Director of Student Development Services
第28大道1900号. 南

学习, MN 56560


步骤1. A complaint should be filed 以书面形式 containing the name and address of complainant, a brief description of the violation and the accommodation sought. The complaint shall be filed within 90 working days after the complainant becomes aware of the alleged violation. Within 10 working days of the receipt of the written complaint, the campus dean will acknowledge, 以书面形式, receipt of the written complaint. The campus dean shall review the complaint for completeness and validity, shall make all parties to the complaint aware of the violation, obtain additional information related to the complaint if necessary and shall attempt to resolve the complaint.

步骤2. If the campus dean is not able to resolve the complaint in 步骤1, s/he shall schedule a meeting with representative(s) of the College and the complainant within 15 working days. The College senior vice president will respond 以书面形式 to the complainant detailing any actions taken or proposed by the College within 15 working days of the meeting.

步骤3. If the complainant is not satisfied with the College's proposal to resolve the complaint, the complaint shall be referred to the ADA Advisory Committee, in care of the State ADA Coordinator at the Department of Employee Relations. The ADA Advisory Committee will review the complaint and any documentation associated with the complaint and respond to the complainant 以书面形式 within 30 days of its recommendation for action.

Alternative Grievance Procedures

Nothing in this procedure prevents any individual who believes he or she has a grievance under the ADA from taking other legal action to seek resolution. The complainant is informed that at any time prior to 365 days having elapsed from the date of occurrence, the complainant may file a formal charge with the State Department of Human Rights, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or the U.S. Department of Justice.


Any timelines established by these procedures may be waived by mutual consent.